Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why dont I hear God's voice?

"The less i give the less i get. The less i listen the less i hear. The less i seek the less i know."

I wrote this on my wall last week cause that is what was on my mind.

Why don't you hear what God is saying? Cause you're not listening.

A brutal but honest truth. I figured this out in a huge way at my last community group. Little did i know the thing i posted days before group was the one thing i needed to hear myself. God has been very clear with most of his intentions with my life I feel. I look back at the past few months and see God's hand in everything. Absolutely everything.

At community group we were talking about the previous weeks sermon. The Parable of the Dishonest Manager. Luke 6:1-15. (talking about how you cannot serve God and money and your money is the Lord's) We were discussing it and everyone was chiming in at how they felt God was asking them to give in regards to their finances and how much they felt like they were called to tithe. I piped in, "I've never really felt called to give money. I've given my 10% but i've never really felt God speaking into that part of my life." Our community group leader replied, "Have you prayed over your finances? have you sincerely asked God what he wants you to do and how?" I realized and confessed right there that I hadn't. I'd never heard God's voice in regards to my money because I'd never asked and really listened for the answer.

You probably wonder then, How do you know what God wants you to do with your life? How does He speak to you? At least in my life they've been through: The Bible, Worship in Church, Prayer, Friends, and books from Strong Christians.

"I don't doubt the Spirit guides you from within, but He also speaks through Scripture, Church, Friends, etc" - C.S Lewis

The answer to all the questions I've had have been in the Bible

Should i take this job?
Should I go to this concert?
Should i date this person?
Should i go to that party?
Should i say those words?
Should i hold my tongue?
Should i get close to this person?
Should i conduct myself in this way?

Every question you could possibly ask is answered. You will find the answer. Will you listen to the answer or will you consider it just a "cultural" thing? Is your personality just different so it doesn't make sense for me? Is this part of the Bible for me but this part not at all?

I go back to this passage so much but it's a perfect passage.

Proverbs 3:5-6:

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight"

What this passage means is that nothing you know is above what God knows or above what the Bible says. Submit everything to him and he will show you how to live. He will make your path in life perfectly clear. "Lean not on your own understanding" in short, God knows, you don't. Stop pretending you know more than God. "In ALL your ways submit to him" Give it all to God cause he will give you what you need and what's best for you.

Fairly blunt but I need blunt and I think other people might need it too. I'm thankful that God continues to reveal himself and make plain my path.

Psalm 32:10

"Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord."

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