Sunday, March 13, 2011

Constantly amazed

I'm always amazed how clearly God shows me what he has for my life and where he wants me to go. Maybe cause I wanna follow so bad. It seems like lately the only joy I find is being in his word, reading of him, or Loving and communing with others. I'm glad that he has given me such joy in these things.

The thing that I feel God has revealed to me this weekend is the need to be a steward and increase my financial responsibility.

this sermon: was what really convicted me. I waste money, a lot. My possessions and my wealth is not my own but Christ's and I need to use the gifts of money he's given me to bless others and use wisely.

God has seemingly blasted me with this message this weekend. Not only had that sermon convicted me because I was thinking about moving out and want to be prepared to provide for a family if God has that for me but also out of the blue my grandpa who has made a fortune off the stock market confronted me with the possibility learning about, and investing there. In light of the sermon it feels like there is no better thing to do at this time then wisely invest my money. Not only in my own future but the future of my family.

Now that i'm going to be receiving a couple thousand from my cycling accident last May i'm gonna be praying whether this is something I should do with my money or if God has other purposes for it.

I want to be a wise steward. I pray God gives me wisdom.

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